Clinical Participant Care Services

Clinical Research Unit Staff
- Six Registered Nurses
- Three Research Assistants
- Lab Manager
- Two Administrators
The CRU provides outpatient and inpatient clinical research support to both pediatric and adult research participants. Some of the procedures that the staff can perform and staff qualifications include:
- Certified research professionals
- Venipuncture techniques: phlebotomy, intravenous catheters, venous access devices, and central line placement
- Collection of special fluids to include CSF, Pleural or Peritoneal preparation of specimens including use of the centrifuge and aliquoting
- Storage, packaging, and shipping of specimens from IATA certified staff
- Acute and emergency care trained ACLS certified
- Acquiring ECGs and rhythm strips
- Pulmonary function testing (with sponsor provided equipment)
- Complex pharmacokinetic sampling
- Dolorimetry
- Tender point assessment
- History and physical assessments
- Vaccination
- Complex medication administration with monitoring
- Questionnaire administration
- DXA Scans
*The CRU staff is not limited to these procedures and are continually learning and extending their capabilities based on the needs of the investigators.
Physical Resources
The Georgetown University Clinical Research Unit is located on the 1st floor of the Pasquerilla Healthcare Center of the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.
The area contains:
- Eight Outpatient Rooms (including two negative pressure rooms)
- BSL2 Plus Certified Lab
- Six Beds
- Phlebotomy Area
- Cognitive Testing Room
- Investigator Room Area
- DXA Room
- Conference Room
The CRU has a variety of clinical and research equipment. The equipment available is constantly changing to meet the needs of our investigators. Below is a list of some of the equipment available for use:
- Wall mounted & portable stadiometer
- Portable ECG machines
- Vital signs machines with pulse oximetry
- Hologic Horizon W DEXA System
- Variable speed and temperature centrifuge
- One subzero freezer set at -70 to -80
- Specimen Refrigerator
- Electronic standing & portable scale (weight up to 400 kgs)
- Biosafety Cabinet
- Infusion pumps (Carefusion Alaris Model 8100)
- Accu-check Blood Glucose Monitoring